Monday, July 20, 2015

The Best Things In Life Are Free

There are two things in life that i really love. The sea and animals.

Nothing makes me happier than being on the beach or in the water. Doesn't matter if its sunny, windy, raining or freezing cold. Something changes inside me. I love watching the waves, I love the smell of the sea air, and I love the feeling of sand beneath my feet. I've lived in some beautiful places and always been close to the sea - Isla Mujeres - a tiny island off Cancun, Lanzarote, Devon and now Brighton .... well Hove "Actually"! I live a stones throw from the beach and can sit on my sofa and watch the sea - which I do for hours!

Recently, I did something that I have wanted to do for as long as I can remember. I got a dog. She is the most perfect little creature. A little white bundle of fur, with teeth as sharp as needles. She is a clever little thing. At fifteen weeks, she already sits, lies down, stands, walks and gives me her paw on command.

So now, I have my perfect life. Or it will be once I am through the biggest challenge of my life. It's these two things that give me focus and get me up in the morning. It's these two things that are stoping me wallowing in misery and it's these two things that keep me positive and stop me from drowning - metaphorically speaking.  They are exquisitely entwined as Honey (the puppy) has now fallen for the charms of the beach as well. 

My favourite time is early in the morning, when no one is about and the tide is low. It's a special time and I cherish it. 

The best things in life really are free :)

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